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Video: Foothills WFC coach talks about the club and United Women’s Soccer league

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Calgary Foothills WFC aim to produce a competitive squad in their inaugural season in the United Women’s Soccer league, according to head coach Troye Flannery.

“It’s a good league, but I want to win,” said Flannery in a recent interview. “And that’s what we’re going to try to do right away.”

Flannery is planning to add to his core roster with players from the club’s open try-outs, to be held April 1 and 2.

“We’re looking for stand out performers on the weekend,” he said. “With 50 some odd women coming out, it’ll be the five or six that stand out the most.”

The United Women’s Soccer league begins in May and goes through to July.

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About Author

Photographer and Writer | Stuart Gradon is soccer journalist and web communications professional. He covers Cavalry FC of the Canadian Premier League and Canada's national teams. He has also worked on assignment at FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022, FIFA Women's World Cup Canada 2015 and FIFA World Cup South Africa 2010.

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